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Howl Page 3

  He uttered a moan and sat up, his back still turned toward her. He panted; his head bent forward, the scraggly mane of dark brown hair obscuring his face. A nasty mottled scar marred his right shoulder, the skin an angry pink where it had barely healed. Another scar, this one a long scratch and as pink as the other one, ran across the middle of his back. Finally he turned his head to look at her, deep worry in his gaze.

  Even if she’d only seen his eyes, she’d recognize them anywhere.


  It wasn’t possible, and yet she’d seen him change from a wolf into a human right in front of her. Her breath came in rapid gasps and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. She wanted to scream, run, and all she could do was stare at him.

  He didn’t move, didn’t say a word, those golden eyes holding her gaze.

  Her mind still struggled to come to grips with what she’d seen. Her gaze riveted on his body–a gloriously lean and exquisite body–she edged toward the door. Alarm flashed in his eyes.

  “Lucia, don’t be afraid,” he whispered.

  Easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one faced with mythic creatures making an appearance in his ordered, normal world. Another step brought her closer to the exit. One more, and she’d be able to turn and run.

  She never got the chance. One moment he was on the floor looking at her, the next his arms blocked her progress. Lucia had no idea how he’d reached her so fast. She hadn’t even seen him move.

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  Lucia stared past him, keeping her gaze downcast. His reassurance meant nothing to her. Talk was cheap. She stood, rigid, frozen to the spot, not daring to move a muscle. Every breath she took held the scent of hay, dust–and something spicy that was all him. Oh why did he have to smell so good? He’d been all sweaty and she’d expected a pungent odor. Instead there was a warm musky tang and something a little sharper, blended into a scent she could have inhaled forever.

  “Lucia, please look at me.”

  The gentle tone of his low voice compelled her to look up. She couldn’t escape him, not while he had an arm either side of her, his hands flat against the wall. Lucia slowly lifted her gaze, her eyes filled with helpless tears. At least the tears blurred her vision, but even so she was aware of the dark hair on his chest, the pebbled nipples. She closed her eyes. Good God, he was completely naked.

  “I know what you saw. I know you’re scared.”

  She jerked when he touched her face to brush a strand of hair away. “Let me go, I won’t tell. No one would believe me, anyway.”

  “I can’t.” Regret swung in his voice. “Lucia, you saved my life. I’d rather cut my arms off than hurt you.”

  The scars. She hadn’t associated them with her father shooting a wolf. A wolf, dammit. Not him. A wolf who had a secret so unbelievable, she still had trouble associating the man in front of her with the animal she’d protected. “Then let me go.”

  He exhaled slowly and cupped her jaw, his fingers lifting her chin until she met his gaze. She saw pain there, regret, and something that went much deeper than mere attraction. Lucia blinked, startled by the discovery. He hadn’t acted too interested in town, but his eyes told a different story now. She moistened her dry lips, worried about his intentions, and saw his gaze snap to her mouth. Zalin stared at her lips, but made no move to kiss her, even though she could see desire in those golden depths. Instead he backed off slightly.

  “I have no right to ask, but I need your help.”

  “My help?” Lucia frowned at him, suddenly aware they were in her father’s barn. What was he doing here? “Why are you in our barn?”

  Zalin nodded toward the back of the building and she saw another wolf lying on the floor, its legs tied. It hadn’t been there when she’d parked her car. “Oh.” She switched her gaze to him. “Why did you tie–”

  “I didn’t. I found her like this.” Worry furrowed his brow. “I have to get her out of here.”

  Her? The wolf was female? “Is she...I mean...are you...together?”

  Zalin’s brows lifted. “No. Actually, make that a hell no. And she wouldn’t have me if I were the last man on earth.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a slight grin. “Besides, Gothrim would gut me if I went near her, she’s his mate. Not mine.”

  “He’s a you?” Well, that explained many things, but saying it out loud made it even more unbelievable. Lucia expelled a shaky laugh. “God, I can’t believe I’m saying this.”

  “If she were my mate, I wouldn’t be tempted to do this.” He leaned in and captured her lips with his in a brief kiss. Lucia gasped against his mouth. “Or this.” Zalin cupped her face between his hands and kissed her again, his tongue seeking hers. He growled when she made contact.

  Heat flooded her from head to toe and her left hand lifted to tunnel into his hair, her right flattened against his chest, directly above his thundering heart. It raced as fast as hers, and his breathing was no less ragged than hers. Zalin drew back slowly, smoothed his thumb across her cheek, looking at her. Lucia trembled, her thoughts in turmoil. She let her hands sink to her sides. How could she have allowed him to kiss her? He wasn’t even human.

  Oddly, her fear had dissipated, replaced by a burning curiosity. Werewolves. All the things she’d believed suddenly made no sense anymore. What else was real? Her gaze drifted over him, marveling at his body. Until she became aware their kiss had resulted in some side effects. She jerked her gaze back to his, heat flooding her cheeks. Oh, gosh. She’d forgotten he was naked and he had no way to disguise his arousal. While knowing he wanted her gave her a thrill, she could do without seeing the evidence. Lucia stole another peek at him. Damn, he was far too hot to ignore.

  Aside from curiosity about him, she couldn’t work out why someone would tie up a wolf in their barn. Who would do such a thing? Her father? Lucia couldn’t imagine it, not when he’d rather shoot them, than let her look after one. It made no sense.

  If her mother had still been alive, sure. She’d have rescued the wolf, despite any objection her father might have. God, what would her mother have made of Zalin?

  Lucia blinked, realizing she still stared at him.

  Zalin turned away, but not before she’d seen a slight pink tinge on his cheekbones. She’d probably just shot his dignity to hell. He moved toward the car, careful to keep his back turned at her. “I need to borrow your car.”

  So he was just going to ignore their kiss? Ignore that he knew she...knew? Fine. She saw him shiver and suspected he was freezing. It was icy outside, and the temperature in the barn wasn’t much higher. Then again, it would cool his libido. He needed some clothes before he froze to death. She doubted he’d let her go to get some for him. “My keys are in the house.”

  “Damn.” He moved to the unconscious wolf and knelt beside the tan-colored animal. “She’s still out. I’m guessing someone darted her, but I can’t be certain.”

  “Zalin, I’ll go and get the keys. I promise I’ll be right back, but you’ll have to let me leave.” Lucia shoved her hands into her pockets, clenching her fingers around her keys. “Please. If you really want my help, you’re going to have to trust me a little.”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not really. Well, not unless you want to carry her, or you can break into a car and hotwire it.” She hoped neither was an option, or she’d just given him a way out. “I’d rather you didn’t wreck my car, if you don’t mind. I’m still paying for it.”

  He studied her a long time. “All right.”

  Lucia dashed out of the barn, and promptly slipped on the packed snow in the yard. Only a few awkward contortions saved her from landing on her backside. She continued at a slightly more sedate pace, and headed to the house, with a quick glance up to the dark window. She exhaled with relief. Dad had gone to bed. Good. The last thing she needed right now was her father wondering why the light was on in the barn and go to investigate. It also meant she couldn’t sneak into his room to get clothes. Luckily she’d do
ne laundry today and had yet to put it away. If she remembered correctly, a few sweatshirts and flannel pajama bottoms were among the clothes in the stack on the dryer. She couldn’t do anything about shoes and socks would hardly help. The pants and shirt would have to do. She separated the items she wanted, grabbed a pair of boxers from the stack and added them to her selection, then tossed them back. No. He wouldn’t like borrowing them.

  She paused, the clothes in her hand. Clothes for a werewolf. No one would ever believe a word of this. She still wasn’t sure she believed it herself, and she’d seen him change. Did it always hurt? Did they hunt...people? Had he been bitten?

  Her breath caught. The legends said if a werewolf bit you, you’d become one yourself. Did that mean their saliva– Lucia sucked in air. She’d kissed him. Tongues and all! Oh, God!

  “You’re an idiot, Lucia Masterton,” she muttered, leaning against the dryer. “A complete and utter idiot. How could you?”

  How could she not?

  He wasn’t scary. Hot, yes. Sexier than anything she’d ever seen, yes. Dangerous? Most likely, but he’d said he wouldn’t hurt her and she believed him.

  “He’s not going to hurt me. He won’t. He just won’t.” And if she dithered in here much longer, he’d come and find her. Lucia clutched the clothes to her chest and left the house.

  Minutes later she returned to the barn, dangling her keys from her hand so he could see them. She handed him the clothes. “You looked cold.”

  “Yeah. Thanks.” He pulled the gray flannel pants on, then the red sweatshirt.

  Lucia had never seen her father’s clothes look quite so good before. The pants were a little short, but at least he was covered now. She unlocked the Honda and watched him heave the wolf into his arms. The sweatshirt rode up when he lifted the animal, and Lucia’s gaze involuntarily went to his taut belly. She followed the happy trail from his navel down to the edge of the flannel pants. For some reason the sight was more of a turn on than when he’d been naked. She blushed and made room, but getting the wolf on the backseat was tricky. At last they had her in the car, but she was precariously perched on the edge.

  “She’ll fall off if you’re not careful.”

  Zalin nodded. “Can’t be helped. Do you have something to cut those ties?”

  Lucia shook her head. “I could go get some scissors, but those things are tough, it’ll take some sawing to get through the plastic.”

  He considered it for a minute. “No. Too risky. If she wakes up and fights me, it’ll end in tears. And scars.” Zalin grimaced. “I have enough of those already.”

  “Why don’t you get in the back with the wolf, and I’ll drive?” It was the best solution, even though her stomach fluttered just thinking about heading into werewolf territory. “You’ll have to give me directions, but it’ll be safer this way.”

  “I can drop your car off later, if you’re worried about it. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Not really. And then again, yes, she was. “I’m happy to drive you, unless you don’t want me to.”

  “All right, you drive.” Zalin climbed into the back and frowned when she walked away from the car. “Where are you going?”

  “You think the barn doors just open when I say ‘Open Sesame’?” Lucia pushed at the doors until they stood open. She went back to the car, got in and reversed out, leaving the engine idling while she pushed the doors shut again. To her utter despair the lights in her father’s room came on just as she got into the driver seat. “Damn.”

  Zalin’s gaze went to the lit window. “Your father?”


  “Drive. If he finds a wolf in your car–”

  “He’ll kill her.” Lucia floored the gas pedal.

  Chapter 5

  Zalin kept Angela’s body supported on the backseat, giving Lucia directions every now and then. He still couldn’t believe how fast she’d overcome her fear. The lady had guts and he admired her for it.

  She’d kissed him back.

  Zalin didn’t regret kissing her, and yet he knew he shouldn’t have. It complicated everything and his resolve to leave was in tatters.

  “How does it work?” Lucia asked suddenly.

  “How does what work?”

  “The werewolf thing. How did you become one?” She met his eyes in the rear view mirror. “Did someone bite you?”

  Zalin chuckled and shook his head. “That only works in the movies.”

  Relief flashed on her face. “Then how?”

  “My father. It’s hereditary. I was born this way.” He could see her struggle with the idea.

  “Your mother...?” Once more she sought his gaze in the mirror.

  “Wasn’t.” Well, she’d had the gene, but she hadn’t known it. He missed them. The pain of losing them had never really gone away. “Sometimes it skips a generation, but usually if one parent has the gene, it is passed on to the child.”

  “Do you still see them?”

  “No. They’re gone.” He wasn’t about to elaborate. “Take the road on the left, at the top of the hill.”

  “Okay.” She concentrated on driving again. “Does it always hurt? When you turn...wolf, I mean. It looked like you were in agony.”

  “It depends.” He’d changed four times today. If he was forced to change again, the pain would be crippling. It usually hurt, but it wasn’t agony unless he overdid it.”Sometimes it hurts.” She turned where he’d told her and he could see lights in the distance. “Slow down when you get near the compound. Don’t say anything, let me do the talking.”

  Lucia gave a jerky nod.

  They covered the last few miles in silence and she turned into the main entrance, stopping at the gates. Zalin saw Thomas walk up to the driver side, dressed in military camouflage pants and a thick jacket. He motioned for Lucia to wind down the window.

  Zalin quickly got out and confronted him. “Open the gate.”

  Thomas ignored him and prowled around the car.

  “Thomas.” Zalin blocked his progress. “You really don’t want to delay us, trust me.”

  The blond beta dragged him off to the side, out of earshot. “She’s human, asshole. You can’t bring her here.”

  “Not your decision.” Zalin refused to be intimidated. “And if you don’t want Gothrim to rip your tail off, you better let us pass. Angela is unconscious on the backseat.”

  “She is?” Thomas’s gaze snapped to the car. He motioned for another wolf to open the gate. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. Right now I need to get her back to Gothrim. We might get some answers when she wakes up.” Zalin walked to the Honda and got into the passenger seat. “Go. Straight ahead, last turn on the left.”

  Lucia complied, stealing a glance at him now and then as they headed up the road.


  “I thought wolves stuck together?”

  “We do.” Well, they did. He was just barely tolerated, and only because Gothrim had decreed he could stay.

  “So what did you do to the guy at the gate? Step on his tail, or something?”

  Zalin chuckled. “Yeah, something like that. Thomas definitely isn’t too keen on a repeat performance.”

  Lucia rolled her eyes and grinned. “Did you win?”

  “Yeah.” He pointed at Gothrim’s house at the end of the lane. “Pull up outside there.”

  Four men rushed out of the house, Gothrim among them. He didn’t wait until the Honda came to a stop. Zalin guessed Thomas had called ahead. The car was still rolling when Gothrim yanked the passenger door open and dragged Zalin out.

  For a moment, Zalin went on the defensive, until he realized Gothrim didn’t care whose chain he yanked right now. All he wanted was his mate–and Zalin was in the way. Gothrim pulled on the seat, desperation making him snarly and unpredictable. Zalin knew better than to touch him, but he was worried about Lucia and hoped she wouldn’t try to reach for the distressed wolf.

  Moments later the Alpha cradled his mate in his
arms and rushed into the house. Lucia sat, staring after him with wide eyes. This had to seem very strange to her. Zalin wanted to explain, but now was not the time.

  One of the guards caught his arm and Zalin brushed it off. “You heading home?”

  “Yeah. Tell Gothrim he can reach me there.” He got back into the car. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Lucia nodded and reversed, her expression thoughtful. “He must really love her.”

  “They are a mated pair. It’s a tight bond.” He gave her directions to his house, wondering if she’d stay. Zalin knew he should let her go, should never go near her again, but he might as well stop breathing. He’d never felt so drawn to a woman, and he wanted to know where it might lead. Even if the entire pack would object. “The offer of a cup of coffee still stands.”

  “I should really get home.” There was regret in her voice, perhaps even fear. “They...they won’t do anything to me, if I leave. Will they?”

  Zalin worried about her. Gothrim didn’t like her, and he’d like knowing she could expose them even less. Then there was Angela’s presence on the ranch to consider. He couldn’t imagine her going against Gothrim’s wishes, so why had she been there? How had she ended up tied, when she was stronger than most humans? He suspected Lucia’s father, but at the same time he had first-hand experience with his penchant for shooting wolves. Why would he tie her up and leave her there? “No one will hurt you, or stop you.”

  She relaxed a little. “Dad will wonder where I went.”

  “What are you going to tell him?” If she told her father the truth, he’d likely come after them guns blazing. “You know you can’t tell anyone about this place, right?”

  “I’ll just tell him I helped out a friend.” She shrugged, pulling up outside his small house. “This is where you live?”

  “Yes.” For now. Not for much longer. “So how about that coffee?”

  “Thanks, but I need to get back.”

  He didn’t like the look of fear in her eyes. “All right. I’ll get changed and put some boots on, then I’ll take you down to the gate. Okay?”