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Page 4

  She nodded. “I’ll wait here.”

  “I’d rather you didn’t. They don’t know you. Wait inside, I won’t be long.” It was the only reason he could think of to make her come inside with him. Zalin didn’t want her to leave, wanted to spend some time alone with her, get to know her. Apparently she didn’t. “Please, Lucia.”

  Panic lit her eyes. “They wouldn’t attack me, would they? You said they wouldn’t.”

  “No.” He could have kicked himself. Of course she’d be afraid. “Your car smells of the Alpha female. Anyone coming past, seeing a stranger and identifying the scent will alert the guards. I don’t think you’d appreciate them interrogating you.” Zalin opened the door. “So come inside a few minutes and we’ll avoid any unnecessary uproar.”

  Lucia shut the engine off and got out. “Just a few minutes.”

  “Promise.” Zalin headed up the steps, wanting to get inside quickly, if only to warm his feet. “Damn, it’s cold out there. My toes are about to break off.”

  “I bet.” She followed behind him. “I should have given you some socks, at least.”

  “It couldn’t be helped.” Zalin let her inside. He wanted to reassure her, hold her, and yet he could do none of it. “I’m grateful you thought of grabbing some clothes for me when you got the keys. While no one here would be shocked to see me naked, I like to hang on to some semblance of dignity, nevertheless.” She met his gaze, a knowing look in her eyes. Zalin quirked a smile, guessing she thought about his reaction to her. “That isn’t usually a problem. I tend to have more self-control.” He lowered his voice and his smile deepened. “Except when I’m around you, apparently.”

  Lucia blinked and dropped her gaze, color rising in her cheeks.

  “The living room is through there.” Zalin indicated the door and looked at his dirty feet. “I’ll grab a quick hot shower, if you don’t mind. My feet aren’t just cold, they’re filthy.”

  She looked at his feet and chuckled. “Sure. A few more minutes won’t hurt.”

  “I won’t be long.” It didn’t feel right to leave her there, alone, in an unfamiliar place. He should stay with her, reassure her. The need for warmth overruled his concern for her discomfort. She’d just have to cope.

  The shower was bliss, except on his feet. They’d been so cold, the hot water felt scalding. Zalin dried off, dug out the thickest socks he owned and slipped his feet into them, sighing with pleasure. Only then did he dress.

  Around the compound he usually wore camouflage, like most of the men here. Lucia wouldn’t understand, so he dressed in some worn denims instead. A thick gray cable knit sweater covered his torso, and he put on a pair of running shoes. He’d go back to town later to collect his clothes and truck, but it had to wait until after he’d spoken with Gothrim.

  He headed to the living room, but before he could join Lucia, someone knocked on the door. Zalin gritted his teeth. He hoped this wasn’t a summons, or he’d have to break his promise to Lucia. Denying Gothrim anything right now could spell disaster.

  Zalin found Thomas outside. “What do you want? Come to lecture me again?”

  “The Alpha wants you.”

  Great. “Let me take Lucia to the gate and I’ll be right there.”

  “No. I was told to bring both of you” Thomas’s nose wrinkled in disgust. “She shouldn’t be here. She has no place among us.”

  Zalin stepped out onto the porch, drawing the door closed behind him. “She helped me. Without her I’d still be dragging Angela back to town. So you’ll be civil to her.”

  Thomas glared at him. “Doesn’t matter now. Bring her.”

  “I won’t be escorted like a criminal.” Zalin met his gaze dead on, putting an end to Thomas’s posturing. They both knew who was the stronger wolf, and it wasn’t Thomas. “Go. I don’t need a guard. I’ll bring her, but we will go of our own accord, in our own time.”

  Zalin went inside and debated what to tell Lucia. She wouldn’t be happy about this. He found her in the living room, as expected, but seeing her study a photograph of Tiffy made him wary. “That was Thomas, the guy from the gate. Gothrim wants to see us.”

  Lucia held up the photograph. “Why do you have a picture of Victoria?”

  “Victoria?” Perhaps the girl had changed her name. “I take it she’s on your ranch?”

  “Yes, but I don’t understand why you would have a picture of her.”

  “Her name is Tiffany, not Victoria. She’s Gothrim’s daughter, and we’ve been looking for her the past two months.” Well at least they knew where to find the girl now. “She’s who I was trying to find when your father shot me.”

  “Oh.” She glanced at the picture again. “Her hair is different. So she’s...”

  “A Lycan, yes.”

  “Well that explains it.” Lucia chuckled. “She’s lousy with the horses and the cattle. I told my father to fire her, but he won’t hear of it. Told me to give her a chance.”

  He nodded, wondering why Masterton would keep on someone like Tiffy. “Did she say anything when she showed up?”

  “You’d have to ask my father, he hired her. When I told him she’s freaking out all the animals, he said she’s trying hard and she’s a good worker.” Lucia shrugged. “I know he likes her, and she makes him laugh sometimes. Maybe that’s why she hasn’t been fired.”

  Zalin couldn’t meet her gaze. “She’s sixteen.”

  Lucia gasped. “He doesn’t like her like that, Zalin!”

  He hadn’t meant to insult her father. “I’m sorry. We’re all a bit touchy where Tiffy is concerned. I didn’t mean your father was being inappropriate.” Zalin took a deep breath. “I guess all this is screwing with my head.” He hesitated, but decided to ask even at the risk of offending her. “Do you think your father might have tied up–”

  “No.” Lucia shook her head. “I can’t see why he would tie up a wolf. He tried to shoot you, Zalin. If he found a wolf on the ranch, he’d get his gun, not cable ties.”

  “Yeah, I wondered about that. She didn’t carry his scent when I found her. Nothing to indicate who did this. There should have been something, at least.” He frowned, then shrugged. “Either way, we’d better get going. I’m sorry, I know I promised I’d take you to the gate, but Gothrim isn’t very reasonable right now. I’m afraid the summons was for both of us.”

  Lucia stiffened. “Why would he want to see me? I had nothing to do with all this.”

  “Only one way to find out.” He motioned to the door. “Shall we?”

  Chapter 6

  Lucia walked beside Zalin, wondering what these...people...wanted with her. And there was the man by her side to consider. He emanated power. It made her wonder why he deferred to Gothrim. And why would an Alpha wolf tolerate someone like Zalin in his pack? He wasn’t like the man she’d seen at the gate. There was more of a wild streak in Zalin. He held a seething energy in check, it simmered beneath the surface, but he couldn’t hide it completely. She guessed if he unleashed it, even the Alpha wouldn’t be able to keep him down. It couldn’t be a comfortable situation for either of them.

  “You’re not from around here, are you?”

  “No, why?”

  “Just wondered.” Did it mean he was passing through? If that was the case, she’d best stay away from him. Lucia wasn’t going to lie to herself. Regardless of what else he was, there was an attraction she couldn’t deny. She’d never experienced a kiss like the one in the barn, hot and heady; it made her knees weak just thinking about it. More of the same would be addictive, and if he left, she’d regret getting close. He’d be a hard act to follow.

  Zalin inhaled and shot her a narrow eyed look, but said nothing.

  “I’m not in any danger, am I?”

  “No. You’re under my protection. If they so much as look at you askance, they’ll answer to me. I won’t have them mistreat you.” Determination made his eyes hard and dangerous.

  “Not even the Alpha?”

  “Not even him. You helped ge
t his mate back. He owes you at least some courtesy.”

  He led her up to the house, held the door open for her and followed inside, bringing up the rear. Lucia stopped in the doorway. Four large men turned their gazes to her, their assessment ranging from outright hatred to mild amusement. She drew closer to Zalin and only realized she’d sought his protection when he took her hand in his.

  “They won’t hurt you.” He gave her palm a gentle squeeze.

  Lucia took a deep breath to steady her nerves. The men were intimidating, but frankly, the one keeping her close was more lethal to her equilibrium than all four of them combined. “I’m not scared.”

  A smile twitched on his lips. Apparently her defiant words amused him. “Let’s go see Gothrim and get out of here.”

  Two of the men blocked the door ahead. “You’re not going in there.”

  She felt Zalin’s hand flex. “Tell him we’re here, or get out of the way and I’ll do it myself. There’s been enough posturing. You can quit trying to scare her off. Your Alpha asked to see her. Otherwise she’d be on her way home.”

  The left one flashed a slight smile at Lucia. “Sorry. We can’t help it.”

  His apology came as a surprise to her. The other guy still stared past her, wouldn’t acknowledge her at all. “Well, if we could get this over with, I’d appreciate it. It’s late. I’d really like to go home and get some sleep.”

  “I’ll tell him.” The one who’d smiled at her opened the door and disappeared in the other room.

  “What’s his name,” she whispered at Zalin.


  “He seems nice.”

  The door opened before Zalin could respond. Kell called them inside and Lucia mustered all her confidence so she could face the Alpha.

  Gothrim sat behind a huge black desk, staring at Lucia, then switched his gaze to Zalin. He didn’t greet them, nor say anything.

  Lucia glanced at Zalin, waiting for him to make the first move, but he didn’t react at all. She shifted on her feet, not sure what to expect. Why didn’t he say anything? Why did Zalin just stand there? Perhaps if she introduced herself? She stuck out her hand, determined to break the icy silence. “Hi. I’m Lucia.”

  “I know who you are,” Gothrim growled.

  “Oh.” She didn’t know how to respond. “Is your...mate all right?”

  Zalin’s hand tightened on hers and he shook his head in silent warning.

  They were beginning to piss her off. She decided to ignore Zalin’s gesture. “Look, I really want to get home. It’s late. I don’t suppose you could tell me why you wanted to see me?”

  Gothrim’s eyes chilled even more.

  “Fine. If you can’t tell me, or be civil to me, I’ll just leave.” She pulled her hand from Zalin’s grasp and headed for the door. Kell blocked her way, his arms crossed in front of his chest, shaking his head. Lucia lifted her chin. “Get out of my way, Kell.”

  “Enough, dammit.” Zalin pulled her against him and turned her to face the Alpha. “Gothrim, say what you have to say, and quit with the stares.”

  Anger flashed in those icy eyes, directed squarely at Zalin. “You dare?”

  “Yes, I dare.” Zalin’s eyes were just as hard and he didn’t back off an inch. He shoved her behind him, out of danger. “We’re tired, cold and hungry. You got your mate back, thanks to us. How. About. A little. Gratitude!” His last words stabbed through the air, punctuated by Zalin’s fist hitting the desk.

  Lucia stole a glance at Kell, whose jaw had slackened. He stared at Zalin as if he’d lost his mind. She swallowed, but her throat was dry. The tension between the two men left everyone nearby uneasy. Even the three bulky men outside the open door had backed up a little.

  “I don’t want her here,” Gothrim snarled.

  “Then why the hell did you order her to see you? You think I don’t know how you feel about her?” Zalin leaned forward. “I’m not blind.”

  Gothrim rose, topping Zalin by a good two inches. Lucia sucked in a sharp breath. Zalin was still hurt, and the Alpha had everything to lose. No way could he win this, but he didn’t seem to care. They stared at each other, lips drawn up, eyes narrow and cold. Worried about his safety, Lucia reached out to grab the back of Zalin’s sweater, but Kell wrapped an arm around her and yanked her away.

  “Don’t, unless you want to be on the menu.”

  She looked up, then back at the Alpha and Zalin. Neither paid any attention to her. “They aren’t going to fight, are they?”

  “Possible.” Kell held on to her.

  “I should have kept quiet.” She’d annoyed Gothrim out of spite, and now it looked like Zalin would pay for her mistake. “This is my fault.”

  “It’s not your fault. This was a long time coming.” Kell shifted her to stand behind him. “Stay, but don’t get in the way if they go at it. I’ll shield you.”

  “Maybe if I leave, they’ll–” She saw Kell shake his head. “No?”

  “No.” He kept his eyes on the two men. “Zalin will back down.” A grim smile curved his lips. “I hope.”

  Lucia doubted it. Zalin wasn’t the type to run from a fight. The coldness in their eyes shocked her; she’d never seen two men size each other up like this. The wolf in them, no doubt. Unfortunately, that very part of him wouldn’t allow Zalin to withdraw.

  A hidden door behind the desk flew open and a woman stepped into the room. She assessed the situation with one look and wrapped her hand around Gothrim’s forearm. “Stop it.”

  Lucia heard the quiet command and froze. She knew that voice. As impossible as it seemed, the voice belonged to a woman she’d thought dead for the past seventeen years.

  “Zalin, calm down. He meant no slight.” She moved to stand in front of Gothrim. “He didn’t summon you. I did.”

  Lucia watched them, her gaze on the nasty red marks surrounding slender wrists, the red streak on the woman’s face. She was older than Lucia remembered. Still beautiful, still graceful. Her blond hair was short, but the face wasn’t so different, even now.

  A face she remembered smiling at her. Hands that had supported her first steps. Blue eyes, sparkling with mirth, when she’d slipped and fallen into a mud puddle. Her voice, soothing her when she’d cried. She had read to her, laughed with her.

  She had a face Lucia had believed she’d never see again.

  Betrayal ripped a hole into her heart and she began to struggle against Kell. “Let me go. Let me go!”

  Angela let go of Gothrim and reached for her. “Baby, let me explain–”

  Lucia shook her head, tears streaming down her face. Everything she’d ever known had been a lie. She didn’t need more lies, and she didn’t need them. Least of all her. “Lies. It was all lies!”

  “No.” Pain etched into Angela’s features. “No, baby, it wasn’t–”

  “Go to hell, all of you.” Lucia finally got loose and ran to get as far away from them as possible.

  Chapter 7

  Zalin watched her go, his pissing contest with Gothrim forgotten. “What the hell just happened?”

  Angela didn’t respond. She turned into Gothrim’s embrace and sobbed against his chest.

  Kell shrugged, looking as puzzled as Zalin felt. “No fucking clue, man.”

  It didn’t matter. Lucia was too upset to drive, and Zalin suspected she’d headed straight for her Honda. From the way Angela cried, he wouldn’t get an answer, even if he asked. “I’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  Zalin sprinted after Lucia, caught up, and simply fell into step beside her. She didn’t look at him, her jaw set.

  “Go away.”

  “No.” He saw her chin tremble. “Talk to me. What happened in there?”

  “Nothing.” She stopped next to her car and fumbled for her keys, but her hands shook so much, she almost dropped them instead of unlocking the car.

  Zalin folded his hands over hers. “Lucia, I’m not letting you drive while you’re so upset.”

  She stood rigidly, her back
to him. “Let go of my hands.”

  “No.” God, he’d never seen anyone so hurt. Zalin gently drew her away from the car and folded his arms around her. “Talk to me. Please. I have no idea what’s going on, but I know Angela upset you. You know her?”

  Lucia slumped against him and nodded, clutching his sweater in her fists. Zalin stroked her hair and just held her, shocked when sobs wracked her body. Not sure what to do, but unwilling to stay out here, he lifted her into his arms and carried her into the house. At least there she could cry in private.

  Inside, he peeled her out of her coat before moving on to the living room. He wasn’t used to indecision and helplessness, and he couldn’t help her without knowing what was wrong. All he could do was let her cry until she had no more tears left. Zalin settled into an armchair, Lucia on his lap, her face buried against his shoulder. She seemed to cry for hours, each sob tearing at him. Not sure how to deal with her tears, he rubbed Lucia’s neck and back, hoping she wouldn’t drown him in the process. Eventually the sobs lessened and she quieted down.


  She shook her head and tugged on the damp wool where her face had rested. “I’ve soaked your sweater.”

  “Oh no. It’ll shrink and I’ll be trapped.” He winked at her and smiled. “I insist you hang around until it dries, just to make sure it doesn’t incapacitate me.”

  Lucia gave a tired little chuckle. “You nut.”

  Zalin kept quiet and held her, his hands caressing her shoulders. If she talked, she’d do it of her own accord, not because he’d pressured her. After everything she’d been through today, she deserved to take her time, even if he was dying to know how she knew Angela.

  Her hand uncurled and she let go of the wool she’d clutched in her fingers. She brushed her thumb across his chest, and the slight movement set him on fire. Zalin swiftly suppressed the urge to kiss her, sensing she needed time, but was killing him. He heard her sniff and shifted slightly to pull a box of tissues from under the armchair.